Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Thing #22 - Listen NJ

I'm familiar with ListenNJ. I've used it previously and I love it. I just downloaded another book which worked perfectly. Listen NJ is one of my favorites of the web challenge.

Thing #23 - Wrapping up

It's pretty hard to name just one thing that is my favorite. I love LibraryThing! and Listen NJ very much.

I also enjoyed finding out about RSS feeds, blogs, Net Library and World Cat

I think Podcasts were my least favorite for the simple reason that I am a visual person and didn't find the audio to be interesting enough on its own to hold my attention.

I'm not sure I know exactly how much OCL is involved in these things so I'll not comment on this question.

I've shared about RSS feeds, LibraryThing!, and Listen NJ. The people I've shared this information with were excited about them and will be, if they haven't already, taking a look at them.

To summerize, this was a difficult, for a 2.0 dummy like me, exercise in technological advancements. I must admit to feeling intimidated by some of the exercises, but as I re-visited them, I found that I was obsorbing more and more information. Thanks to those who helped me along the way for your patience and willingness to help me learn!

Thing #14 - Technorati

The information at Technorati was interesting. I was surprised by the number of subjects and medias I could view. I like the lifestyle categories as well as the entertainment categories. I will spend more time looking around the site; I'm sure I'll find more things of interest.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Thing #13 - Tagging

del.icio.us is an interesting site. I think that it can be a useful tool for researching because I can see what others have searched and what they found to be useful.

Thing 11 - Library Thing

LibraryThing is a great website! I have some of my favorite books on my catalog and will be puttng lots more there. Thanks for this lesson!!!

I really like LibraryThing! I could spend a good deal of time there. I've got some of my favorite books on my catalog and will be putting lots more. Wow...I'm really learning some great stuff here!


Thing 9 - more feeds

I enjoy finding feeds, but still find it a bit frustrating when I want to add one and a window opens with a bunch of gobbley-goop on it. It happened more than several times. I did, however, find some interesting feeds through services that I found with a google search.