Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Thing #22 - Listen NJ

I'm familiar with ListenNJ. I've used it previously and I love it. I just downloaded another book which worked perfectly. Listen NJ is one of my favorites of the web challenge.

Thing #23 - Wrapping up

It's pretty hard to name just one thing that is my favorite. I love LibraryThing! and Listen NJ very much.

I also enjoyed finding out about RSS feeds, blogs, Net Library and World Cat

I think Podcasts were my least favorite for the simple reason that I am a visual person and didn't find the audio to be interesting enough on its own to hold my attention.

I'm not sure I know exactly how much OCL is involved in these things so I'll not comment on this question.

I've shared about RSS feeds, LibraryThing!, and Listen NJ. The people I've shared this information with were excited about them and will be, if they haven't already, taking a look at them.

To summerize, this was a difficult, for a 2.0 dummy like me, exercise in technological advancements. I must admit to feeling intimidated by some of the exercises, but as I re-visited them, I found that I was obsorbing more and more information. Thanks to those who helped me along the way for your patience and willingness to help me learn!

Thing #14 - Technorati

The information at Technorati was interesting. I was surprised by the number of subjects and medias I could view. I like the lifestyle categories as well as the entertainment categories. I will spend more time looking around the site; I'm sure I'll find more things of interest.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Thing #13 - Tagging

del.icio.us is an interesting site. I think that it can be a useful tool for researching because I can see what others have searched and what they found to be useful.

Thing 11 - Library Thing

LibraryThing is a great website! I have some of my favorite books on my catalog and will be puttng lots more there. Thanks for this lesson!!!

I really like LibraryThing! I could spend a good deal of time there. I've got some of my favorite books on my catalog and will be putting lots more. Wow...I'm really learning some great stuff here!


Thing 9 - more feeds

I enjoy finding feeds, but still find it a bit frustrating when I want to add one and a window opens with a bunch of gobbley-goop on it. It happened more than several times. I did, however, find some interesting feeds through services that I found with a google search.

thing #8 - RSS Feeds

I really enjoyed this exercise. I found so many great feeds and I'm sure I will find a whole lot more. It's great to have all this information in one spot. Thanks for this lesson!

Thing #6 - More photo fun

Wow...I did it!!! I really did it! I like this!
For those of you who don't recoginze it, the picture is of our Diatoms... ok "protoplants". Anyway, I think the picture came out pretty good.

Thing #2 - 71/2 Habits

The easiest of the 71/2 habits for me is #2 - Accept responsibility for your own learning. I'm trying to finish my degree and at the present time am taking a class toward that goal. With two jobs it will take me 5 years just to finish the last two years of a Bachelor's degree, but I have to keep positive and know that I am chipping away at it with each class I take.

The hardest of the 71/2 habits for me is #3 - View problems as challenges. I'm having a hard time with that. I just found out that I did terribly on my midterm and beginning to feel as though I can't do this. The only reasonable thing to do is to keep at it...so I am. But, the mental aspect of it is very difficult.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Thing 21 - Podcasts

I didn't enjoy the podcast experience. I am a visual person and wanted to listen to the travel podcasts. This didn't work real well for me as I wanted to see what they were talking about.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Thing 20 - You Tube

The first video that caught my attention is the one that I want to share with my library co-workers. It involves a group of young men who go about getting their pants on in new and creative ways. From swinging into them from the seat of a playgroung swing, to jumping into them, to backflipping into them. This video pretty much shows my level of entertainment.

Wow...I think I actually may have figured out how to make a link to the blog!


Thing 19 - 2.0 Awards

Well... where to start? Wufoo for one is an amazing website that will help you create, store and organize forms, collect payments, and I don't know what else. ProjectStat.Us is another website where you can create and work on projects while allowing those for whom you're creating the project check on its status. EditGrid is a place where you and others (at different locations) can work on spreadsheets in real time. Pretty neat stuff!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Thing 18 - Google Docs

I've been using Google Docs for about a month now. I love it. I'm going to school and often need my notes to be accessible from different locations. Voila!! Google docs to the rescue!!

Thing 17 - Play in the Sandbox

I played in the sandbox. I had a hard time trying to change the font and background color. It worked only when it felt like working!! Oh well

Thing - 16 Wikis

Wikis are a great technological enhancement. It makes great sense to be able to correct and comment on an existing article.

Update: I went back to the wikis that I was directed to and looked around some more. While, a page or two, upon attempting to view, came up as "Page can't be found", I did find many interesting things to view.

I particularly enjoyed some of the book reviews. When I went on the Ocean County widi page I read some interesting stuff, but the page itself is kind of blaaa looking.

All-in-all this was a great learning experience.

Thing 15 - Library 2.0

Well...I don't claim to know a whole lot about what libararies have or should have as far as a collection or virtual collection, but I think that libraries need to move in the same direction and at the same rate (as is reasonably possible) as technology.

Many patrons are well-versed in technology advancements and expect librarians to be able to keep up with that knowledge. Technology is out there for all of us. Technology is not a foreign media; it's accessible and available to the vast majority of our patrons. Those without internet access at home can certainly come to our library and use ours...and they do.

With the internet, there should be not subject, question, or idea that can't be explored. Web 2.0 seem to be making it easier to navigate, thus enhancing and increasing learning.